To close off are few drawings I did around November-December-ish.
Get Real fanart. It's that gay film haha.

Hand study and an
Oofuri doodle.

Style study...I was trying to imitate
Kazu Aki's style. Her style is so beautiful *A*

If I'm not lazy enough, I'll post my daily sketches and life drawing stuff I did recently. I still need to put up my color rendering XD;;
I haven't been drawing in my regular sketchbook lately due to working on doujinshi T__T;;
School coming! Oh noes!
1 comment:
Those hand studies are pretty nice, but then again I am a bit partial to them since I like drawing hands so much :)
- But hopefully you will be able to find time to upload those sketches and things, but if not, I can understand. I hardly upload anything when things start to get busy because of school.
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