I guess I'll use blogspot for unfinished works and art studies done at school and free time. A bunch of artwork I've scrapped for practice.
Color study as shown in my oekaki board.

Lighting study and some different style attempt.

More color study with cool shadows.

And my attempt to mooch of of
saka's style since I'm assisting him at work ;3
ooh hey welcome to blogspot! (well, not that i can offer much of a welcome, and not that you havent had the blogspot for a while already, but... :O lolll)
anyway, cool works, im happy to recognize a few. keep us updated! :)
Awesome works! Blogspot and LJ can have the same content if you want it to be and as long as you have an account on Google, you're able to create numerous Blogspot accounts. It's handy having all these accounts.
I've probably asked this before either on LJ or devART...but what brushes do you use for Painter?
Yay~ I've added you too =)
I really like your Saka study ^^
christine: I use a custom acrylic ^^
Wow! They all look gorgeous! I especially love the third one down's skin. ♥
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